Salutations from Huntington

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Full Name: Dominic Collins
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Salutations from Huntington

Post by Sedorian »

Greetings everyone,

I'm Dominic, a medical student at the JCESOM here in Huntington. Originally from Parkersburg, but moved down for college and decided to stay to pursue my career ambitions here because I love the area. I am currently working on a Rouge One/ Andor Death Trooper cosplay and have thus far completed the helmet (I am 3D printing the parts on one printer so it's taking me quite a while). I've been a huge Star Wars fanatic my entire life, and this seemed like a great way to enjoy one of my favorite universes. I hope to join in on the various meet-ups and charity events in the future, and hope to have my costume functional by the summer. If anyone has any experience with sizing models or anything of that nature, don't hesitate to reach out. I could definitely use the help.
TK Boyer
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Full Name: Charis Boyer

Re: Salutations from Huntington

Post by TK Boyer »

Hello and welcome!

My name is Charis Boyer and I am currently serving as XO and GML for Garrison Corellia. We are in an election cycle so that is very likely to change in the upcoming months. I see that you are interested in completing the Death Trooper. I have gone ahead and pasted a link below that will direct you to our CRL (Costume Standards) for that costume. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. We will do our best to help you. We look forward to having you join our ranks!

May the force be with you! ... sion%20One
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