Parkersburg joining up

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Parkersburg joining up

Post by E11blasterdude »

My name is Greg and I’ve been involved with military re-enacting so I’m just making some adjustments for fun
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Re: Parkersburg joining up

Post by TeaJay »

Hi Greg! Welcome to the forum! I saw your "contact us" message about looking into RS props, they are an excellent vendor. But before we dive into vendors and component sourcing. What costume were you interested in building?

There's a massive list worth taking a browse through--

Once you've identified what costume you want to build, our GML (Garrison Member Liasion) will assign you with an advisor to help provide support with answering questions regarding the build process, etc.

We can chat about average costume costs, various building techniques, etc. Any questions you may have...

Looking forward to your followup message. Again, welcome to the garrison forums!

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Re: Parkersburg joining up

Post by Schraeds »

Welcome, Greg. I'm glad that you got your account set up.
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Re: Parkersburg joining up

Post by E11blasterdude »

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Re: Parkersburg joining up

Post by E11blasterdude »

Looking at a storm trooper. Empire strikes back version ..
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Re: Parkersburg joining up

Post by TeaJay »

TKs are a great first costume if you're looking to build something with armor because there's a ton of great resources out there for them. Be sure to check out/sign up at the Stormtrooper (FISD) detachment forum over at

If you haven't noticed already, in each film in the original trilogy, the stormtroopers are slightly different from film to film; minor details that not everyone notices at first.

ESB is a great choice, we currently do not have any ESB TKs in the garrison. I spent many hours building a centurion (tier 3) level approved A New Hope Stunt Stormtrooper. Stormtrooper builds are definitely close to my heart on favorite builds even though they take time compared to other builds from the original trilogy.

A great thread on WhiteArmor to get started with reading through trusted vendors, etc. would be this: ... find-them/

Here's a list of vendors that WhiteArmor has deemed not recommended on buying a kit from: ... en-buying/

Earlier you mentioned going with a kit from RSProps, and honestly if you're willing to pay their prices, it is one of the best kits out there when it comes to fine grain details. Their kits include the clamshell handplates as part of the kit (ESB style handplates [different from ANH]). If purchasing from them, if there is a note section, be sure to let them know that you're looking to build an ESB style TK.

As mentioned, there are other vendors to work with, seen in the trusted vendors list link posted above. Some you may have to contact on Facebook others have a storefront similar to RSProps.

Some vendors will only sell the armor kits, and you will have to locate boots that will be approvable elsewhere, same for undersuits, etc. but hunting down those components are not normally hard to do and is a fairly common practice. It's rare to get all the parts that you need for a single costume from one vendor.

I guess the big question is, do you plan to build it yourself (with guidance / help from folks here in the garrison) or do you think that the price increase to have someone like RSProps build it for you is worth it?

Honestly, I would suggest building it yourself to not only save on money, but to learn about the process, and fine tune everything to fit well. It's quite a great feeling of accomplishment once its all finished, but it does take a fair amount of time.

If sticking with RSProps, here's the pre-built option that they sell: ... -suit-esb/

If you are looking for a kit to build yourself: ... build-kit/

As mentioned the GML will assign you to an garrison costume advisor to help as a main point of contact for you when you have questions regarding the process, etc. I don't mind if they decide to assign you to me, since I've had a lot of experience with TK builds.

Looking forward to your next follow up!

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Re: Parkersburg joining up

Post by TK Boyer »

Please use this build thread to document your progress. We are so glad that you joined!
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Re: Parkersburg joining up

Post by E11blasterdude »

That’s a lot of great information thank you . I would like to build it myself but thinking the helmet might be out of my skill level . I’ve been doing research regarding a comm unit inside the helmet . One stupid question. What is difference between hero and stunt ? Thanks
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Re: Parkersburg joining up

Post by E11blasterdude »

Right now football season is eating up all my extra time . So I’m looking at winter to get knee deep in this project
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Re: Parkersburg joining up

Post by TeaJay »

Hey Greg, let's start posting over on your build thread here: viewtopic.php?t=1190

For your recent questions, I'll respond here for the time being:

For ESB TK's there is only one version, unlike ANH's. The difference in ANH's stunt vs hero are subtle details that denote armor that is used by Han and Luke that has more "details" than the stunt model. Some include bubble lenses on the helmet, a different amount of "teeth" cut out on the "frown" of the helmet, the amount of blue tube stripes... rivet details on the holster, etc.

I wouldn't sweat those details since the ESB version of a TK has its own specifics seen here:

For an audio setup for your helmet, there are tons of options out there. My favorite model of Aker speaker to hide in your chest plate is this model: ... amplifier/

If you're interested in getting that classic TK radio static effect, check out: ... on-system/

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Retired: Darth Nihilus: KOTOR II, ANH Stunt TK
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Rebel Pilot (X-Wing), Snowspeeder Pilot

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